Neval ert是一位屡获殊荣的教师和学者.  表彰她对万博地址本科生的教学和研究, she received the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) Teaching in Excellence Award in 2008.  In 2012 she was recognized with the 学术 and Creative Achievement Award by Converse for “being at the forefront of mentoring student research” as well as her STEM Outreach activities to the local high school students many of which led to national awards for the students. 她也是2012年的获奖者 学生服务:超越奖 感谢她对学生的服务.

在万博地址,. ert rk教授各种各样的生物学课程,包括遗传学, 细胞生物学, 生物学研究方法, 细胞分子生物学, 法医遗传学, 科学与性别以及生物学入门课程. 她认为研究是教学的补充, 因此,她经常与学生一起进行原创研究. She also is a keen advocate of promoting science among high school students and professional development assistant to STEM Workforce.

在不教学或研究的时候, 她把时间花在旅行上, 阅读, 看科幻电影,探索自然.


阅读更多关于Dr. ertrk的活动和成就:

学术 & 研究活动

Dr. Ertürk is an active participant of inter-institutional research initiatives in South Carolina.  She serves as the Chair of the Student Awards Committee of the South Carolina Upstate 研究 Symposium, SCICU教师资助研究万博下载ios审查委员会, 皮埃蒙特三区科学博览会科学评审委员会委员.  In 2013, she was elected to serve a three-year term on the Advisory Board of Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.  She received a Plaque of Recognition from the South Carolina Upstate 研究 Symposium for supporting the research and scholarly efforts of faculty and students in the Upstate in 2012 and a Certificate of Recognition from the South Carolina Academy of Science for her excellence in the support and development of talent and research in the State of South Carolina in 2011.  她还在2010年被提名为总督卓越科学推广奖.

一位活跃的学者. Ertürk’s research projects with her students and STEM workforce received numerous grants from various agencies and awards at the national and regional levels.  She has professional memberships in American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 美国植物生物学家学会, 东南生物学家协会, 本科生研究人员委员会, 投身科学的妇女协会, 高等院校生物教育者协会, 导师净, 和地球观察研究所.

出版物 & 演讲

  • Alscher R. G.埃尔特克,N. 希思,L。. S. (2002). Antioxidants and Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants: Role of superoxide dismutases (SODs) in controlling oxidative stress in plants. 实验植物学杂志, 53(372), 1331-1341.
  • Erturk H.N. 和Esen, A. (1995). 一种b-葡萄糖苷酶聚集因子(BGAF)存在于玉米“零”基因型中. 玉米遗传学通讯,69:25-26.
  • Erturk H.N. 和Unlu H. (1991). The phenotypic abnormalities caused by an organophosphorus insecticide, Dichlorvos (DDVP), in 黑腹果蝇.  Doga-Tr. 动物学杂志, 15:76-83.
  • Erturk H.N. 和Unlu H. (1991). 敌敌畏(DDVP)对越界的影响 黑腹果蝇.  Doga-Tr. 生物学杂志, 15:139-143.
  • Unlu H. 埃尔图克,H.N. (1991). 敌敌畏(DDVP)对雌雄比的影响 黑腹果蝇.  Doga-Tr. 动物学杂志, 15:177-184.


芳烃受体(AhR)是一种配体激活转录因子. 它调节细胞对多种多芳烃(PAH)的反应. AhR mediated toxicity to these chemicals is associated with a variety of pathological conditions, 包括癌症. 因此,目前将AhR调节作为一个重要的生理过程进行研究. 灵芝(灵芝), cordyseps (Cordyceps sinensis) and hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) are commonly used in Chinese medicine to treat diseases such as diabetes, 高血压, 和癌症以及增强免疫系统. Previously an association herb produced by using these three supplements was reported as an AhR antagonist causing reduction in Cyp1A1 projection in cells treated with TCDD. The purpose of this research is to show identify the supplement that acts as an AhR antagonist. Real-time RT-PCR will be used to measure CYP1A1 gene expression in MCF-7 cells treated with the supplements and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD).


Interest in using herbal medicines as an alternative to conventional treatments has been present for hundreds of years. 灵芝, 俗称灵芝, is a mushroom extract used as a traditional herbal treatment for a variety of symptoms and illnesses. 在中国被称为“不朽的蘑菇”, 据报道,它有助于血液循环和血压, 协助调节免疫系统, 最值得注意的是, 抑制癌性肿瘤. (1) It is believed to be an effective as a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in cancerous growth, 特别是当与其他类型的常规治疗结合使用时. 目前已知灵芝会导致癌细胞凋亡, 但细胞凋亡发生的机制尚未确定. 凋亡的主要机制是半胱天冬酶依赖性的. 还存在, 或者半胱氨酸-天冬氨酸蛋白酶, are a group of protease enzymes which play a major role in the controlled destruction of cellular parts during programmed cell death. Caspase dependent apoptosis can be triggered by either intrinsic or by extrinsic mechanisms. The intrinsic mechanism is modulated by Caspase-8 and the extrinsic mechanism is modulated by Caspase-9 enzyme (2). The purpose of this study is to examine the type of mechanism in which 灵芝 triggers apoptosis in cancerous cells, 如果它也能触发非癌细胞的凋亡. It is important to know whether apoptosis is caused by an intrinsic or extrinsic mechanism, because knowing which pathway causes the apoptotic effect 给s us a greater understanding of how and why reishi targets cancer cells specifically and can be helpful in identifying reishi’s pharmaceutical potential.

灵芝的遗传毒性预防作用, 大鼠的冬虫夏草和山楂

Medicinal practices such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) use phytoproduct mixtures, 称为关联, 为了使这些补充剂的治疗效果最大化. A commercially available association as well as its individual compounds 灵芝 (reishi), Cordyceps sinensis(Cs) and Crataegus oxiacantha (hawthorn) are used in traditional medicine for their health benefits such as antitumor and immuno-modulatory effects. In this study genotoxicity causing and genotoxicity preventive capacity of this association as well as individual supplements were tested by using rat bone marrow micronucleus test. 每实验组5只. 每只动物共检测2000个多染红细胞(PCE). 数据分析采用t检验. A significant decrease in the number of micronucleated cells was observed in the group that received the association and the individual supplements in combination with a genotoxic agent (p < .05), suggesting that individual supplements have a preventative effect on genotoxic agent induced genotoxicity. 然而, a slight increase in the formation of micronucleus in the groups that received reishi and cordyceps group also observed. 建议进一步研究以确定潜在的毒性.